Monday, November 2, 2015

Rant (2.0)

Hello once more.
I need to get a grip of myself. I need to trust in God more. I want to not be so needy, to not be so unsure of myself.
(I also want more people to donate to my fundraising page [], but ik that not everyone is able/wants to/etc, and I NEED to respect that. o3o)
I want my apartment mate to put up her clean dishes. It's been what, two/three days? D:
I want my apartment mates to get their acts together. Like, I want whoever it is who keeps leaving crumbs on the floor to clean up after herself.
I want my apartment mates to figure out how to properly use the stove/oven. Apparently, one of them set off the fire alarm today. Like, Z sent me a text re: ME in the kitchen, and how she and C would rather I not use the communal utensils or wash communal dishes/utensils because they don't like how -I- wash things. At least -I- haven't set off a fire alarm. (Then again, I wasn't there when it happened, so I'm not sure how/what exactly happened. When I talked about it at dinner, one of my table mates talked about how they [my apartment mates] needed to use the vent fan above the stove, which -I- already knew. And I don't know if that's actually what caused it, or if the stove/oven is messed up like C and Z think. D:)
-I- need to eat less and start going to the gym again. -I- need to finish my bleeping German Senior Sem presentation. -I- need to get off this grawlix prednisone. Egads, alas, no huzzahs, Dx.
I need to be more grateful for all the good things in my life.
Thank you, God, for sticking with me even when I have doubted You. Thank you, God, for giving me life. Thank you, God, for giving me the capacity to attain an advanced education, more than my parents. Thank you, God, for allowing me to live in America, because goodness knows I'd probably be dead if I lived in almost anywhere else in this world.

Please give me the words to say to Z, to C (maybe). If/when.
Please don't let me be judgmental toward them (or anyone, really).

Please be with M and her unborn child. Please. Please, Lord.

Please calm this raging child of yours (psst, anyone who's reading this - I'm writing about me o3o). Please grant her Your peace, even an INKLING of Your strength.

Please and thank you, Lord.

In Your Name, Amen. <3 p="">

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