Friday, November 6, 2015

November 6

Hello imaginary readers once more. This post shall be a miscellany post, a potpourri post, if you will.

I went to dance and skit night tonight and was drafted into doing the skit with the seniors (of whose class I am technically a part because of the year of medical leave). The skit was something about who the next president of Converse would be, and the people running for Converse president were Donald Trump (A), Hilary Clinton, and Pantera (the pink panther mascot for even numbered years).

One, A had on a hilarious wig, so she was quite funny. Two, at the end of the skit, we (the audience [both on stage and off]) were supposed to cheer for whoever we wanted to be the next president of Converse next. No one cheered for Trump, there was a kind of sort of reaction to Hilary, and then thunderous applause for Pantera (which I knew was what the other seniors wanted).

[As a side note, I have noticed that attention still appears to be something I lack/am not great at as of right now. Like, in the above paragraph, I started off with "One" then moved on to "B." No huzzahs. :/]

{Also, I forgot to close my parentheses TWICE. }

Also, at skit night (which I believe is the first I have ever attended at Converse, due to medical whatnots through the years), each class also did a dance. (I did NOT partake in that one. Dx) A/Trump-minus-the-wig danced a mean worm. It made me sad. I thought to myself, -I- used to do be able to do the worm (yes, a SUPER long time ago, but still), -I- used to be an athlete (volleyball) [A runs cross country]. It was really hard for me not to be jealous, resentful, angry at God, etc. No huzzahs. :/

Also also, (as also aforementioned) my college has this whole Red Devils vs Pink Panthers thing, where the Red Devils are students from classes graduating during odd numbered years (like 2015 [my original graduation year]) and Pink Panthers are from odd-graduation-year classes. I KNOW I shouldn't care; I have much MUCH larger concerns right now. :x

In other news, I had another dose of Cytoxan today. In other, other news, it appears that I had a relapse from the stress of starting school again combined with stress from the possibility of Dad losing his job. In other, other, other news, I went to an ophthalmologist yesterday (wow, that is one INTENSE word; I had to consult a search engine about its spelling, HA), described my symptoms, what was going on/had been going on, and he said that he has doubts about the likelihood of my eyesight going back to what it was.


I am still dealing with that possibility. Honestly, I was kind of thinking something along the lines of that before he told me that, but it was definitely a major blow to consider my sight not improving beyond what it currently is. :C (An emoticon is unable to adequately convey the depth and intensity of my feelings, but it will have to do currently.)

Also, the ophthalmologist talked about a new disease I had seen him in the past, back when we thought I had MS. So, my mom and I will bring that up when I see my neurologist next (speaking of which, I need to reschedule that appointment, don't I? Alas/egads/gift horse ADULTING. Dx)

Mah. I don't want to be this tired at only ten PM, but I have had a long day (and long week). I got my grade back for my recitation, and I made a 50 out of 100. :x That was worth 10% of my final grade. :/ Also, I'm pretty sure I bombed today's quiz because of all of the dates. (So, yet again, NO. HUZZAHS.)

I seriously want/need to go to bed soon. So -I- am going to peace out for tonight. Tschüss!

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