Saturday, November 21, 2015

November 21 - Basic

So, I was out for a long time and got behind on stuff that I used to keep up with. TV shows for example (Legend of Korra, Castle, etc). Also, MEMES.

Like, when I came back to my school, I felt SO behind with this sort of thing.

Take the word "basic" for example. I finally got a definition, and I think (KNOW) that one of my apartment mates fits the stereotype.

L wears leggings as pants. She speaks in a "basic" way.

I really don't want to think less of her for it. Like, she was on my list of potential littles last year. (I'm really happy I didn't get her as one of my littles, though, because I don't know how I would have reacted to taking classes with her and her getting married before me. :/)

But yeah, I can feel myself slipping into being "basic" as well. For example, right now I am sitting in the campus... food store, of sorts, in which there is a Starbucks.

I NEVER used to drink Starbucks before, but now that my college changed their policy concerning Flexdollars (so now we can only use it on food items), I have been indulging in (decaf) Starbucks WAY too frequently. :/ No huzzahs. (I DO NOT WANT TO GAIN ALL THAT WEIGHT BACK. Dx)

((Also also also, "basic" is another [negative imo] word that begins [!] with B o3o.))

Blah. (!)

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