Friday, November 20, 2015

November 20 - B's

Hello once more.

I am officially taking a break from homework (EGADS BRIT LIT) to write this blog. Huzzahs to that.

I have a running list of possible blog topics. (So I don't forget them, you see.)

The letter "B" has attained much more meaning to me recently than I realized, upon which I want to use this blog post to reflect.

1 - "Brain biopsy" is a phrase that has two words, both starting with Bs.
2 - Before said procedure, I was (as aforementioned) incredibly angry/distraught/whatnot about the B I received in Fiction Workshop. A little more than a year later (as also aforementioned), I was jubilant over receiving the B in General Psych.
3 - Back to the letter itself - also, BI and BM are two phrases that come up far too often. They just might be motifs in my life, currently. (Though they are different in that the "B"s each stand for a different word, "brain" and "bowel." [OMG TMI.])

Okay, now on to some good "B" whatnots.

B - Buoyancy (I did a "Happify" activity today, and in the activity you had to select the positive words. Buoyancy came up a number of times, so huzzahs to that.)
B - Blink - huzzahs for this reflex. It's automatic (so we don't think about it), it has an incredibly important function (keeping one's eyes from drying out), and, best of all, it's free! /salesperson
B - Bug. (From Starkid's play, Starship.) Bug is the main character who just wants to be a Starship ranger... but that's a different story. Anyway, huzzahs to Bug.
B - bugs. (As in insects.) Bees (hey look, another B word!) pollinate flowers; ants are used in Proverbs to show the benefits of hard work; etc.
B - Birds. Huzzahs for birds! There are some tweeting outside right now.
B - Boots. I love my pair of booties. (They need to be replaced kind of, sort of soon, but I love them.)
B - Bop. The noise Erin, Gina's little, makes when she pats her on the head.
B - Brunch. That wonderful meal on Saturday mornings. (Not the cafeteria's brunch; just brunch in general.)

(Let's see - that's a bunch [LOOK AT THAT] of "bu" words. Let's amend that.)

B - Ballet. While not MY thing, some people enjoy it, either doing it or watching it.
B - Beds. (DEFINITELY my thing. All the huzzahs for beds.) Even my college provided bed is nice. :)
B - Binders. They hold stuff. o3o
B - Bong. The noise a bell (LOOK AT THAT 2.0!) a makes when it's rung with something not quite metal.
(And on that note -)
B - Bells. Especially church bells.

Dear God,
Thank you for this day. Thank you for everything you have blessed (!) me with. I am sorry I don't recognize Your blessings clearly/often enough. Please open my eyes to see all the ways you have so graciously provided for me.

Please, dear Lord, be with the refugees fleeing from Syria. Please be with all the expectant mothers out there who are considering abortion for whatever reason. Please be with M as she expects her own child. (And please help me/empower me/etc me/whatnot to support her and C through this time despite all the other whatnots.)

In Your Name, Lord,

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