Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 10

Hello once more.

Today, I went to a MASC meeting (Manga, Anime, Sci-fi, Comics [club]), because (alas) BCM couldn't meet tonight because of medical whatnots. :/

At MASC, we watched a bunch of YouTube videos re: video games (basically play-throughs). I thought to myself, wow, I can see how/why Mom didn't exactly love me playing video games when I was younger. (Honestly, it felt childish. o3o)

Eek, I feel old. :x No huzzahs.

At the same time, part of me... longed (?) to go back to that simpler time, and then my frontal cortex (or whatever part of the brain deals with adulting) was like, yeah, nope, you are past that my friend.

So... huzzas? (Huzzah+Alas?) I have no idea. xD

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