Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23 - Adulting with TBI

So, I am a TBI survivor (I used to say "TBI victim," but my psychologist emphasized the importance of diction [word choice for non-English majors o3o]).

Yes, I went through a Traumatic Brain Injury. And yes, I am doing SO MUCH BETTER than I was.

However, however, however, I still have STUFF going on related to it. (Like the ETERNAL FEAR of incontinence [both of urine and bowels Dx].)

Also, I am INCREDIBLY emotionally fragile. Like, I keep second-guessing myself (constantly).

I am going to graduate in less than a year (EEK). I am going to have to FREAKING ADULT (which is a TERRIFYING prospect). Yes, I know adulting would be terrifying even without the TBI, but with it... eek.

Alas/egads/no huzzahs/gift horse/etc.

So, for example, my diction ranges from very educated (ie - diction, syntax, etc) to so... not (adulting, emoticons [Dx/xD], etc).

I know that forgetfulness is not just a TBI thing. Like, I KNOW that. Butbutbut, because of all the CRAP that happened, I am SO much more sensitive to it. :/

(And, in other news, an article I read today -

Dear God,

Please be with me. Please heal me, emotionally and physically. Please let my eye heal back to its previous normal. (:c)

Please mend any relationship whatnots with Z. I know I don't want (nor do I think she wants) there to be this friction between us. Please give me the right words to say at the right time. Please help Z choose her own words more carefully so as to be more sensitive. :/

Please be with M, her unborn child, and C with his N and O. Please Lord. Please be with Dr. G and her friend in hospice and her friend's child. Please, oh please.

Please enable me to be a light in this dark world, pointing people to You, NOT away.

Please help me get through the rest of this semester well.

Please give me Your peace about the future. Please help me keep my eyes fixed on You, not the whatnots of this world.

In Your Name,


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