Thursday, November 26, 2015

November 26 - Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving, invisible readers.

So, yeah. So yeah.

It is Thanksgiving today in the US. I need to focus on that. :c

I just got an email about my Pecha Kucha presentation I did for German lit the other day. I made an 86. I got full marks on information, but got points taken off for oral presentation and visuals. (M wrote something about wanting to see more German specific images.)

At first, I was rather miffed, because (I think) I have always received A's in Deutsch.

Then again, then again, then again, I was telling my mom the other day that I felt like M was too easy. :/


Honestly, though, I didn't start working on it until the night before. I kind of, sort of, really took advantage of M's inclinations, thinking to myself that if I should do a terrible job, it wouldn't kill my grade (which it WON'T; the presentation was only worth 10% of the final grade, I believe.)

EVEN SO, I kind of, sort of, REALLY freaked out while I was working on it in the library. I was sitting in my normal spot, and I had to go to the bathroom at least 2 or 3 times because I was crying to myself.

I did not take an anti-anxiety med (though I do have them just in case).

It crossed my mind, crossed my mind, that it would be easier to overdose on the anti-anxiety meds take my life.

(No huzzahs.)

((Also, if I HAD done that, what probably would have happened would have been this - the anti-anxiety whatnots would have kicked in; I would have been like, OH SH*T, WHAT HAVE I DONE?; I would have had to be rushed to the hospital, had my stomach pumped, been taken out of school. not finished this semester, und umsoweiter (Deutsch for 'and so on'.))) :/


Dear Lord,

Thank you for this day. Thank you for Thanksgiving. Thank you for all of the blessings You have given me that I DO NOT deserve, and You gave me anyway. Please give me guidance about how to use them for Your glory, for Your fame, not mine.

Thank you for the existence of Lorazepam. Thank you that I did not need it the other day, but thank you for its existence.

Please keep me mentally strong. Please give me guidance about my future. Please help me keep my eyes fixed on You.

Please help me finish this semester strong. Please let me find my strength in You.
Please help me finish this race of my life on Your time, following Your will, Your GOOD, PERFECT will.

Please use me to be a light on C's ever darkening campus.
Please be with A. Please.
Please be with M. Please.

Please give me the words to represent You well. Please give me humility to face up and admit when I make mistakes, errors, usw.

Please give me sweet dreams tonight. Thank You once more for everything You have given me. Thank You SOSOSOSOSOSO much.

P to the T to the L.

<3 p="">Amen.

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