Friday, January 1, 2016

January 1 - 2016 (!)


I spent the night at a friend's apartment last night, because she is all adult-y and living on her own now. Egads, that should be me in a year. :X I almost didn't go, but I'm glad I did. c:

Today, I went out with another friend for lunch and shopping. F used to attend the same college as me, but transferred to another, nearby one during the year I was out, I believe. Because of this, she was on track to graduate 2014, but will be graduating 2016, the same year as me (because she changed majors, as well).

F asked me what I wanted to do post-grad, living-wise. I said that my parents really wanted to move out of the South. She has mentioned rooming together post-grad before, but I'm not sure about that. I talked/wrote to R (a mutual friend who lived previously in New Hampshire) about that, and she said she wasn't sure about F's ability to live away from her parents, honestly. However, that was over a year ago, I believe.

Idk. I need to focus on one day at a time.

In other news, I just finished reading through my "Notes to Self" document that I started in 2014 sometime. And yes, I have come a long way. P to the T to the L.

Dear Lord,

Thank You for this day. Thank You for ALL of the blessings You have given me.
Thank You for sticking with me through all of this, even/especially when I have doubted You.
Please give me peace, wisdom, and guidance about the future.
Please help Dad with his work situation.
Please help me when I communicate with my parents about stuff. (o3o)
And finally (for tonight/right now at least, lol), please BLESS this year of 2016.

In Your name, Lord,
Amen (less than three :) )

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