Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January 12 - Shame :c

So, in the past, I had to get a handicap placard in order to park in handicapped parking spaces. At the time, I was having intense mobility issues (I believe I may have been using a walker occasionally) so it made sense. (Also, something about my mother with jury duty, but that's another thing.)

My placard doesn't expire until my birthday 2017 (so basically in a year). As such, I am legally allowed to use it.

I know that in the past, a woman basically called me out for parking in a handicapped spot on Main Street with my friend. My friend said something along the lines of, she has a sign, but I still moved my car (to another handicapped spot down the street, but still).

Once more, two other people have mentioned the handicapped space privilege, my dad and a friend, [H]. My dad said something like, don't use the handicapped spaces in the senior apartment parking lot, because someone's parent or someone else visiting could really use it. [H] said something like how a friend of hers with a physical impairment really needs it, so when they are full, she has to walk a longer distance which is taxing on her. I thought to myself, yeah, but there's two handicap spaces in the senior apartments, if I take one, it's not a thing, right?

Today I was walking to Work Study, and I started walking alongside of a girl/woman who had a limp in her step. I have seen her in the past, and I know that this is not new; she probably has a handicap placard (if not, then she would DEFINITELY be eligible for one Dx).

Because of this, I am going to revise my parking choices. I don't want to unfairly take advantage of a privilege endowed to me due to something that's not really much of an issue anymore. :c

(However, I do have sight issues that the ophthalmologist [egads, spelling Dx] said he highly doubts will improve. I'm still dealing with that. :C)

However, however, there are other parking spaces in the Dexter parking lot I can use. Yeah, I think I'll do that.

Dear Lord,

Thank you for this day. Thank you for all the blessings I have received. Thank you that I AM getting better, that I AM alive, that I AM able to go to college, get a degree (two, in fact [!]). Please help me keep in mind how much You have blessed me.

In Your name, Lord,
Amen <3 nbsp="" p="">

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