Monday, January 25, 2016

Jan 25 - Potpourri

So, as the title suggests, this is going to be another mish-mash sort of post.

A) User Error (PART THREE) - apparently, my insurance card was right, and my insurance did run out on January 8th. (So, technically, I was without insurance for a couple o' weeks. o3o)

My dad and I went over to USC Upstate and switched me over to the Prime Young Adult plan. It is an extra however much per month, but hey, at least I have insurance. PTL for that.

(However, I know that IF my dad knew I was writing about this on the Internet for all the world to see, he would have a cow, a pig, an entire barnyard. So, please, if you see him, don't tell 'im. o3o)

((Also, technically I was breaking the law, wasn't I? By not being insured? o.O / o3o *shhhh*))

B) My Jan term is going well. The final day to drop a class passed (I had it on my calendar), and I didn't drop the class I was considering dropping. Huzzahs for that.

C) I wrote for myself today (!!!!!!!). Yes, it was only the end of a flash fiction prompt posted somewhere on the Interwebz, but, HEY! WRITING FOR SELF! SUPER DUPER HUZZAHS!

D) I went to the gym today. c: I believe that exercise releases endorphins, lol. xD

E) I have a copy of the book "Ben Carson: Rx for America" by John Philip Sousa IV, and, honestly, I don't plan on finishing it. I know it's meant to sway me to want to vote for Carson, but considering I'm already on Team Carson (I have donated to him, bought a shirt, all that jazz), I feel as if my time could be better spent doing other things (such as writing this blog post, lol xD).

F) This is the final week of Jan term. I need to write this final essay for Poe/Hoffman, make changes to my stories for Advanced Tutorial, then pack for Converge, a BCM retreat down in Myrtle Beach. We are leaving on my birthday, so I'm not going to see my Dad on my birthday (:c), but I believe I will be making the right choice by going to Converge. It will be nice to get out of the 'Burg for awhile, ha. xD

G) I sent a tentative resume for review about a Spring internship. Fingers crossed? Idk. It's not the internship I wanted (I got [nicely] turned down for that one, but if I think it would be good for me to get more experience.) ((Unfortunately, this internship is unpaid, but hey, most are, ha. xD))

Dear Lord,

Thank You for this day. Thank You for all the blessings You have poured out over me. Good gravy in the morning knows I don't know the future, but You do (and that's what matters <3 p="">
Please be with me as I enter this, my final semester of my undergraduate career. Please give me guidance / direction / all that jazz re: my future.

(Also, please be with America as we go into this next election cycle. Please give the American people wisdom as we choose our next leader. Please let our next leader make the best possible decisions, regardless of party line.)

((Also, also, please be with the refugees, all of them. Ik that many are worried [for good reason] about ISIS whatnots, and Muslims, etc. Please... resolve this issue?))

(((Also, also, also, please be with Germany. Please. [If I may be selfish for a moment, I would really like to return one day. o3o])))

In Your name, Lord,
Amen <3 p="">

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