Monday, January 4, 2016

January 4 - Immigration

So I just received this article in an email from my dad -

I have many things to say/write about this (none of which I currently plan on sharing with my father).

1 - I am NOT impressed by the amount of grammar fails within the article (for example, placing the period or the comma outside the quotation marks).

That is a sign of lack of professionalism imo. Like, if they can't even copy edit the article correctly, how can I trust what they put inside said article?

2 - I REALLY WISH my dad would stop it. Just stop it. I'm not going on the Jan term trip to Germany (obviously), and I don't know as of yet about the Fulbright, about whether or not I will receive it. (As of right now, I am unsure about whether or not I would accept it, should I get offered it, but I'll cross that bridge [with prayer and God's guidance!] if/when I get there.)


However, Germany is much wilder in general than the US. (Goodness knows that even when I was there back in high school, the crowds were rowdy, such as after a fußball game.) But did I tell my dad that? Nope, because I knew he would freak out. :/

(Also, the links at the bottom of the article made me doubt the credibility of the source even more, but then I thought to myself, wait, those are the same sorts of links as are on TheBlaze's website too, right? Alas. :c)

Dear Lord,

Please be with Germany. Please be with its citizens and the refugees currently residing there. Please don't let the actions of a few hurt the prospects of the many. :c

Please be with me as I finish out this school year. Please give me guidance about the Fulbright if I should be offered it.

Please be with my dad.

Please be with Grandpa Noel as he is in the hospital. Please heal him.

(Please be with Mom when he passes away. Please.)

In your name, Lord,

UPDATE - 1.5.16

So I read this other article ( and there was a similar error.

"A day earlier, he told reporters that the men intended to overthrow of the government."

However, this one came from the LA Times website. :/

(Seriously, LA Times? Seriously?)

Bah / alas / egads / etc. Dx

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