Monday, December 28, 2015

December 28 - Generosity (or...?) :/ (MONEY WOES PART ONE)

Hello again.

So I went out today in search of boots and/or bras and/or whatnots. I went to three stores specifically about that (Target, Burlington Coat Factory [?], and a Western shoe/clothing place [Lebo's?]). I was also going to go to Kohl's and Bed, Bath, & Beyond originally (full schedule, ik).

(I [believe/know] I mentioned this before, but am too lazy to actually check, but for the whole "complete truth even though it's not needed" whatnot, I also popped into Dollar Tree and Ollie's. [And yes, that took a long time to type, alas. Dx])

HOWEVER, the thing I wanted to talk about in particular was how, after exiting the Western place, I went to leave the parking lot. I saw a woman on the corner with a sign. Long story short, I pulled over, hugged her, prayed with her, gave her $20 dollars to help her pay this week's stay at a motel in inner S'burg, and listened to her talk for a bit (I was going to say we talked, but [honestly] she did most of the talking).

If what she said was true, she's had a heckuva hard life. (I was going to use stronger language, but NOPE because reasons. o3o). Like, she was (honestly) rather grungy. She told me about how she has (or had, I don't remember which) polio. Also, her stepfather molested her when she was younger. (Mind you, she appeared to be late 40's / early 50's now.)

The poor/impoverished/homeless pull at my heartstrings, and I want to help them. I know way back when, I read this book Under the Overpass, and I think/know that's why I almost always have these strong reactions when I see people in physical need.

I also know that there are stories out there of people who *insert negative whatnot here*. But there are people who are in legitimate need too. :c

ALSO, today we (my parents and I) went to the Social Security Administration office about me getting on Social Security. (Note: We do NOT want me on Social Security, because then Tricare wouldn't be obligated to continue covering me [or something], so yeah. Yeah.) But, in order to get the Tricare whatnot renewed, I need to be denied Social Security (along with other things, such as doctor's note, etc.)

I titled this MONEY WOES PART ONE, because a) I am most likely going to be posting about this again in the future (spoiler alert!), and b) I am not good at managing money. Like, at all. I now have a job (work study, so eight hours/week when school is in session); I keep track of what I spend money on and whatnot.

I can spend money. I have that technology. If/when I do, though, I want to do so wisely. So, for example, I don't want to eat out every day, or something. :/ (Yes, I would LOVE to be able to splurge like that, but nope. >:C)

I am SO STINGY normally, and then I, then I see this woman, and am like, hey take my money.

Also, the other day, my dad and I were at Food Lion and this black man approached Dad saying something along the lines of Hey neighbor! He proceeded to pull Dad off to the side and (apparently) got $40 dollars from him (which, if you know my dad, does NOT happen for no reason). Once we got back to the car, Dad kind of blew up in anger at himself. He told me that this "neighbor" said he needed $40 to pay for fixing his truck, would he be willing to spot him some, he'd pay him back. I thought I recognized the black man from somewhere (though [anti-PC alert] I am not adept at differentiating between black males [but that's a different blog post Dx]). Dad thought he was a neighbor at first, because a black family moved in down the street.

But yeah, so Dad was super ticked/pissed-off that he got swindled our of $40. No huzzahs. :/

Alsoalsoalso, I was going to go Bed, Bath, and Beyond, but realized that I kind of sort of REALLY needed to go to the bathroom. Therefore, I did not go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond, but went home instead. (I don't want to be tied to my bladder like this, dang it.)

Today has been a "meh" sort of day (borderline super "meh" o3o). So... SUPER meh.

Dear Lord,

Please be with Mary Therese (?) "Shakes," the woman I interacted with earlier today. Please give her the means to climb out of this pit that she is in. Please give me guidance as well about what to do re: driving her to church. o3o(!)

Please give me peace about the future, peace and guidance.

Please let Dad's procedure (grotti [sp?] procedure) go well tomorrow. Please let nothing show up, or if something does show up, please let it be minor, like what happened with me and Mom. (I'm still annoyed that I got a colonoscopy before either of my parents, egads Dx [then again, I've had a bunch of medical whatnots before my parents, like chemotherapy, a stroke, a seizure, etc o3o /selfpity]).

Please, Lord, grant me Your peace. Grant Your peace to my parents as well. Please let Dad come back to You, even if it takes them moving out of SC once I graduate next year.

Please give them the means to move out of this area, somehow. (Same for me too, please. o3o)

BUT ABOVE ALL, please let us all rest in You, no matter what. Absolutely no matter what.

In Your Name, Lord,
Amen <3 p="">

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