Friday, January 8, 2016

January 8 - Simming It Up

Hello once more. :)

Yes, I know it's late (though I believe my time is still set for MST on this account, I believe, considering I created it way back in Arizona, lol. xD)

I just got back from a movie night with my adopted little and others in that group. It was great.

We definitely watched Inside Out. It was the second movie we watched. They are still there watching Big Hero Six. We also watched another movie before Inside Out (which I had likewise previously seen), but I can't seem to remember it right now.

I could probably remember it if I spend more time thinking about it. (Heck, it will probably flash into my brain either as I'm writing this or sometime during the night.)

(AND, I just looked on Facebook, and lo and behold, my adopted little's status is the first one I see, in which she states that we watched the movie Home first. Thank you, adopted little c:.)

Like, I know that in the GRAND scheme of things, the fact that we watched Home first is NOT a big deal (if any deal at all). However, however, however, stuff. Reasons. Gift horse. Meh.

The reason why I titled this post "Simming It Up" is because I used to play the computer game The Sims 2 a lot (and I mean a WHOLE lot Dx). On said game, each character has different bars for different needs, such as Hunger and Energy. I believe that, if I were a Sim, my Social bar would be quite full right now. Huzzahs to that.

And on that positive note, I bid you adieu. Adieu!

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