Sunday, January 17, 2016

January 17 - Adulting with TBI Round Two

Hello again.

Despite the title, this is going to be a positive post (for the most part, I hope, haha).

EDIT: I started this post a couple of hours ago, and I'm starting to feel down again. No huzzahs. :/

Anywho, back to the topic at hand.

I was (and still am) alone in the apartment built for four college students on campus. The reason why I'm alone is because one girl/woman (egads) got married (EGADS) and, therefore, was required to move off campus. Another girl/woman went home for the weekend, and has yet to return. The third is not here very often, so... idk. -shrug-

Anywho (times two) ((hey, that rhymed! /tangent)), I was doing laundry and homework and whatnot, and I left my room within my apartment to go to the bathroom. The door shut behind me. Not a big deal, right? Wrong. :/

Apparently, the doorknob hit the wall when I had last opened it, thus activating the lock. And where is my key, you ask? In my (locked) room. :/
(As is my cellphone, laptop, UMSOWEITER [German for AND SO ON Dx])

I think to myself, I'll ask a friend to call Campus Safety for me. I go to several (by that, I mean two [I don't know many people in this building :/]) people's rooms, but to no avail. (I did place something to prop the door open, though, so as to not get locked out of the apartment as well, so huzzahs for that.)

I thought about calling my parents, but that was going to be a last resort. So I look around the apartment and GASPER GRAPES PAGERS what do I have on the fridge? A flyer for the college library with its phone number on it!

So I call that number (using my nifty landline that I use to call my parents on the Westside so as to avoid eating up my Tracfone minutes), get the number for Campus Safety, call Campus Safety, and get my room unlocked.

Huzzahs for that. c:

Also, I am about to go to Merge tonight, and see Heidi. (Honestly, I'm not a humongous fan of Heidi's personality, but hey, socializing, I guess. o3o)

Also, also, I have yet to finish my three to four page SINGLE-SPACED paper for German, but it's not due until midnight tonight, and all I need to do is write the conclusion and look over it. So imma do that after Merge. o3o

/finfornow c:

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