Friday, December 25, 2015

December 25 - Christmas (!/?)

So it is finally Christmas. What have I done so far today?

I woke up at (what I believe was) a reasonable hour - before 9 AM. (It is my vacation time; cut me some slack, k?)

We (we being me and my family) actually sat around the table and ate breakfast together-ish.

(Side note/tangent - I feel as if I should be as thorough as possible in my descriptions because I want to be faithful to what actually happened, so in the previous statement, I wanted to add that technically, I got to the table first, then Mom came in after walking the dogs, then Dad joined us, but that's not super important, is it? And yet and yet and yet, because of all the whatnot that has gone down, I feel it IS important to be as truthful as possible. Blah. :x)

Then, we went over to the Christmas tree and opened presents.

I appreciate all of the items I received (truly, I do, PROMISE) but I did not need any of them. So part of me is like, don't waste your money, I guess? Blah :x (2.0). (I sound like Dad.)

I don't want to be like this. Truly, I don't.

Last night, Mom and I went to our church's candlelight Christmas Eve service. I drove, though my eyesight still is not what it used to be in my right eye. :c But I/we survived, no one died.

I invited F and M to the service. F texted back that she would text me the day of re: if she is going or not; she didn't. M texted that she would be in Rock Hill, so that was a no go.

Back to today, I queried another agent about Burst. As I was doing so, however, I actually read through the first however many pages, and was like, wow, this is not as good as I thought. Maybe that's why no one is picking it up. :/

And yet and yet and yet, I have put SO much time into this novel, into this plot line, into this story. I don't want to just, give up on it, or something. And honestly, self-publishing kind of feels like giving up on it at this point. :c

(Also, originally I was going to write about that earlier in this post, but I kept forgetting. No huzzahs. :c Alas-es all around.)

((Also also, the characters are ALWAYS around me. Meine Passworten sind alle Charakteren meines Romans. [Aber my attempt at subterfuge is kind of irrelevant because there are so many words that are similar in German and English. {There's a word for that, but I can't think of it right now, and I don't feel like looking it up because laziness. Dx.}]))

Also also also, it is currently 2:30 and dinner is not until 5:30 because turkey. I just got off the phone with Uncle R and he said I could always have cookies or something. Ach. However, I am going to cut off this entry in any case.

Dear Lord,

Thank You SO much for sending Your Son to Earth for us. P to the T to the L for that.

Please bless the rest of today. Please bless the rest of this year. Please please bless 2016. Please grant me Your peace (which transcends ALL understanding usw) about the future. Because -I- may not know the future, but I do know the One who knows the future. Please give me the strength to keep holding on to that.

In Your Name, Lord,
Amen <3 p="">

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