Tuesday, December 22, 2015

December 22 - User Error

So, it's three days before Christmas.

Dad has been really worried about insurance whatnots, considering that I am going to be turning 23 next year (GULP!). As such, if we don't get a letter from my neurologist asking for an extension on the insurance, our premiums are going to go up (for me, at least).

We went through this last year too. And, it turns out, the person who filled out the info for my new beneficiary card put Dad's birth date (day of the month) instead of mine. Hence, according to my card, I will no longer be receiving benefits after January 8th instead of January 29th.

It is super peeving (and stressful, etc, to say/write the least) that there is a possibility that we will be paying for someone else's mistake. (NO HUZZAHS. D:<)


Part of me is thinking, isn't that what Jesus did, though? He took the sins of the world on His shoulders, bearing the wrath of God, just so He could save our sorry little behinds.


Dear Lord,

Thank You for Your sacrifice. Thank You SO, SO much. I'm sorry I don't thank You more often. Seriously.

Please let Dr. K get the letter done. Please let the insurance approve of the extension once more.

Please grant this family peace no matter what the heck happens. You've got this; we just need to keep trusting in You.

In Your Name, Lord,
Amen <3 p="">

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