Thursday, September 30, 2010


This week was Senior Retreat. It was quite enjoyable, though walking up hills is not my favorite thing to do. Anyway, that is why I desperately need to work on my cumulating homework instead of loafing around...

Anywho, I have a research paper topic now. I am going to research how fantasy novels encourage creativity and innovative problem-solving instead of disconnecting the reader from the real world. I kind of would rather learn about power addiction, but I know that that would be a vastly greater time commitment if I pursued that. Two of the sources I had listed before were actual books, and honestly, I have enough on my plate without adding a super serious/intense research paper to the mix. I am still interested in learning more about addiction to power, but I think my new topic is more feasible. I would much rather spend time actually writing my book instead of diving into such a deep topic.

I need to contact my critique group and send out what I have already written. I also need to stop avoiding my email.

Talking about my book, I finished another bit last night. It's exciting to see it emerging bit by bit.

I feel like I have more to say, but I can't remember what it is. Pff.

1 comment:

  1. Regarding your critique group- have you found a middle school boy yet? Have you thought about Harrison?
