Thursday, October 7, 2010


Let's see, I just got back from a college visit about six minutes ago and realized that I had to write this blog post for tomorrow. At least I remembered...
I visited Elon University in (-drum roll-) Elon, NC. I liked it for the most part; the student body is around 5000 people and that seems a bit big for me. Also, I signed up to sit in on a Creative Writing class and the professor never showed up. Other than that, I enjoyed the trip. Their mascot is a phoenix, which doesn't hurt.
Alas, I have done little (aka nothing) with my Senior Project this week except draft an email and perhaps write three lines in my book. I'm too busy worrying to do anything. And I'm only half-joking when I say that.
If I think about what I still need to do, I might a) have a panic attack b) freeze with worry or c) laugh hysterically until everyone around me thinks I've lost it. Which might happen.
Hopefully, the stress and deadlines will push me to get an extraordinary amount of work done and give me hope for the future. That would be nice.


  1. Phoenixes are my FAVORITE! I'm so going to that school.
    Just kidding.

  2. I think you have chosen an excellent topic for research. Teachers and parents will be very interested in your discoveries.

    Regarding college: Did I already mention UNC-Asheville and Warren Wilson? Both are known for their writing programs.
