Thursday, January 20, 2011

Just Keep Going

Nothing super exciting or important happened this week. I did meet with part of my critique group and I received helpful feedback. I realized that I neglected to add some things to my timeline, so I'll have to go back and look at that. As to my goal for this week, I have completed 2 of 3 sections. I might switch the 3rd section for one from another week. I'm not sure. In any case, I'm just doing my thing. That's it.

In other news, I found out that I'll hear word about Elon University two weeks sooner than I thought. Huzzah.


  1. You are chipping away at all that senior stuff! and before you know it the decisions will all be made and the book done and you will wonder why you felt so stressed! Huzzah- Huzzah - huzzah!!!!

  2. I went to Chicora Alley in Greenville last night and heard two authors read from their newest books. In the day of Kindle, it was a good experience. About 70 people attended (bolstered by 25 students from the Gov. School who are required to attend.)

    Both authors were grateful for the helpful critiques of readers and both said it is hard to get published if you are not a celebrity. Alas, we write because we must.
