Thursday, January 27, 2011


I am behind with my writing this week and I did not finish the last section of last week's writing. I am feeling frustrated about a certain class, incredibly, incredibly frustrated by it and just in a mleh-y mood all together.

On the plus side, I've been accepted by Elon University and I am going to compete for a spot in their Honors College and I've been offered their Presidential Scholarship of $4500 a year. The thing is, Elon is my third choice. But still.

Mahhh I am ready to leave high school. Or have a vacation at the very least.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Just Keep Going

Nothing super exciting or important happened this week. I did meet with part of my critique group and I received helpful feedback. I realized that I neglected to add some things to my timeline, so I'll have to go back and look at that. As to my goal for this week, I have completed 2 of 3 sections. I might switch the 3rd section for one from another week. I'm not sure. In any case, I'm just doing my thing. That's it.

In other news, I found out that I'll hear word about Elon University two weeks sooner than I thought. Huzzah.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

S-S-S-Snow Day! I Mean... Week...

Nyah, I greatly dislike being stuck in my house for great periods of time. On the upside, I am actually on track with my timeline so far, and I am (pleasantly) surprised by this development. I have finished the sections "Corinth's Suspicion," "Filio's Icicle," and "Poison." I have the first two typed and I'm going to type the third after this blog.

On Saturday I am meeting with my critique group to talk about the chapters I sent out earlier. I talked to Mrs. Moore over Christmas Break, and we thought it would be a good idea to... release (I guess) the the critique group from this after the meeting on Saturday. The chapters I sent out totaled around 45 pages and over 26,000 words (and that's about 1/6 of the plot). I realized that making them read through the entire thing would be much more time-consuming than I originally thought. I gave them the option of receiving further chapters though, if they wanted. Even if it is just from one section, the feedback I receive can be used with the other parts as well.

I am ready to go back to school. Not ready for homework, but I am ready to see other human beings again.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I Almost Forgot to Post This

It's a good thing I didn't though.

Our timeline was due this week and I did not realize quite how much work I still had to do. Or maybe, I've just been avoiding this fact. Either way, I need to write three sections (ranging from 2 - 6 typed pages) every week. While this does not sound like much, in actuality, this might take two hours or more per section. I have lots of work ahead of me.

On the bright side, I will be finishing the last of my college applications this weekend with my Elon application. On the gloomy side, I have yet two start one of the two essays. One the other gloomy side, I won't find out about Stanford, Davidson, or Elon until April 1. Three months.

On another bright side, I got accepted to University of North Carolina Asheville, so I am definitely going to college somewhere.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Whatnot

I'm kind of bummed because I thought we had one more week of break. I'm not quite sure why I thought that, but it was kind of a letdown when I found out we didn't.

Let's see - Christmas and New Year's were pretty much the same as usual. Not much to say there.

Yesterday I applied to Stanford and today I applied to Davidson. The only college left to apply to is Elon University. Just two more essays... just two more essays...

I applied for Davidson's writing scholarship and the funny thing is that the finalists for the scholarship have to go to Davidson for interviews. Okay, that isn't funny in and of itself. The funny part is that they have to go April 7 - 9. If (somehow) I am chosen as a finalist, I will have to turn in my Senior Project two days early. Okay, that's still not funny. The truly funny part is that on the project proposal sheet, I put down April 6th as the date I would be done, thinking, "What the heck? Why not?" A sign perhaps? I sure hope so.

I hope all of your holidays were marvelous. See you on Tuesday...