Thursday, September 30, 2010


This week was Senior Retreat. It was quite enjoyable, though walking up hills is not my favorite thing to do. Anyway, that is why I desperately need to work on my cumulating homework instead of loafing around...

Anywho, I have a research paper topic now. I am going to research how fantasy novels encourage creativity and innovative problem-solving instead of disconnecting the reader from the real world. I kind of would rather learn about power addiction, but I know that that would be a vastly greater time commitment if I pursued that. Two of the sources I had listed before were actual books, and honestly, I have enough on my plate without adding a super serious/intense research paper to the mix. I am still interested in learning more about addiction to power, but I think my new topic is more feasible. I would much rather spend time actually writing my book instead of diving into such a deep topic.

I need to contact my critique group and send out what I have already written. I also need to stop avoiding my email.

Talking about my book, I finished another bit last night. It's exciting to see it emerging bit by bit.

I feel like I have more to say, but I can't remember what it is. Pff.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Right now I am trying to figure out a new thesis for my research paper. I've been at it for... half an hour? More? I'm having difficulty finding a subject that has an argument around it and if I do think of something, I can't find any research about it. Can I do a research paper using sources that do not specifically talk about my topic but a topic very much closely related? I am not sure.

Really quickly, one my Senior Project proposal form, the title was "Chaos in Your Soul." That is not what I plan to title my book (though it is nifty); this phrase is from a quote by Friedrich Nietzsche. He said, "You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star." I sure hope he's right. By the time this project is over, I might have a galaxy. Anyway, this connects to the main character's Elemental Classification and my viewpoint on life in general. That's why I titled my project that.

Side note - Is it okay to address a topic that is controversial in Oakbrook? Could I do a paper advocating gay marriage or abortion? I'm not going to, I am merely curious.

Right now I have thirteen tabs up on Firefox and they all have to do with my project. Nyah.

Let's see, now it's been an hour and a half thinking of a thesis. And counting...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

So I did my presentation on Monday and it went better than I thought it would. I (finally) got my Mentor Agreement form signed and turned in. And I got written comments from the Board today. From the looks of it, everyone agrees that this project will be demanding and they aren't sure if I can complete it in time. I entirely understand this, but I know that I have a deep (burning, engulfing) passion for this project that has been building over the past three years. I will get this project done on time. There is no other option. Even if it wasn't for Senior Project, I would complete this book before I graduate. No other option.

Something else the Board mentioned is that I should try to find a male reader for the critique group. That makes sense, I just don't know many young males interested in doing this. Any takers? I'm going to have to think about that...

So once I get my outline of the book done, I am going to post it here. The date for that should be somewhere in October so I have time.

In non-Senior Project stuff, I signed up to take the October ACT yesterday and signed up to tour Elon University and hopefully sit in on one of their Creative Writing classes (cross your fingers). If not Creative Writing, then either Psychology or Sociology. I'm super excited about that too. Whoo. Now I just need to go do all my papers, projects, and whatnot over the weekend. Yippee.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


You know all that stuff I said earlier? Disregard it. All of it.

I realized I'm not really passionate about writing a nonfiction high school book. I think I was fooling myself into thinking that...
So now I am going back to my original, original idea. I am writing a fantasy novel. I actually mentioned it in my very first post - "Starburst" is its working title though I am going to change it because apparently the term is trademarked.

This novel is set in a fantasy world where people have the abilities of the four elements, but expanded. Instead of just air, water, fire, earth, people can have specific abilities (like Air vs Gust) or something beyond those four (like Light or Spark). The main character Pasin is a freak in this world (Falleon) because she does not have any Elemental ability. She's an orphan as well, and is rejected at every turn. However, one fateful day in the marketplace (yes I know it sounds cliche) Pasin reaches the boiling point. A flash of light and heat, and then a descent into mental darkness.
When Pasin wakes up, she is being tried for disturbing the peace and attempted assault by use of a power she doesn't recognize. Somehow, she finds herself at the palace as one of the ladies of the court, vying for the attention of King Oramus. But Oramus has secrets of his own and intrigues run deeper than Pasin realizes.

Wow. It sounds so cliche. I don't want to give what happens away, but I want you to understand what's going on so... impasse.

Oh and huzzah huzzah! I have found a mentor! Dr. Edna Ellison who has nine books for sale on Amazon and helped tremendously with a scholarship I did last year. Huzzah huzzah that is a massive load off my mind.

So now the research paper. Originally, I was going to do it about whether homework is helpful or hindering students, but now I'm not sure that fits. I was thinking about writing something about addiction - not drugs or tobaccos, but either process addiction (gambling, shopping) or psychological (addiction to power). I'm not sure how to make a paper out of that and I kind of need to go to Government. So ciao.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


So... I still don't have a mentor. I've talked to several people and whatnot. Right now, I am looking at someone who helped me with a scholarship I entered last year. I emailed her two/three days ago, but she hasn't answered. Goodness, the phone is inevitable, isn't it? -sigh-

I'm reading some published books on high school and I really realize that formatting is important. There's one book that has boxes and colors and it's engaging to read - then there's a book that is about a foot tall with only black and white text and ridiculous margins. I doubt anyone has checked it out for years.


On an entirely unrelated note... I really want to have another month of vacation. With absolutely no asssignments to do, no required books to read, and no chores/housework. Ugh.