Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thesis and Other Whatnot

Right. So my thesis for my research paper is as follows...

"Fantasy books invite children to use their imaginations and explore their worlds creatively; reading fantasy books encourages creative thinking, innovative problem-solving, and the curiosity to explore unorthodox options."

Honestly, I have not gotten very far with my paper. Today, I printed out three more sources to read through making my grand total of sources come out to five. -fanfare- I will probably be working on that later tonight.

I just read Rebecca's blog and I honestly agree with her sentiment. It's not that I hate what I am doing in my classes - the problem is that everything is stacked up on each other. I would really enjoy learning about this topic for my research paper if I didn't have all my other work to deal with. Yes, I know that's how the real world works. I am not going to say I like it though.

Lately, I've been feeling like my writing has been stagnant and just... wrong sounding. Like what I've written so far in my blog. I feel like I have this wooden thing blocking the fluidity of my thoughts so that they come out wrong. I am kind of scared that the Economics paper I turned in today had the same problem.

I wrote two pages more in my book this week. Yes, I wrote them in government class, but they are written.

By the way, if I haven't answered your comments, it's not because I'm not reading them. I am used to having a reply button on comments so that the author is notified when I reply is made. From now on, I will simply leave my comment below the first. My bad, mea culpa, es tut mir leid, etc. Sorry.

Gah, I feel like I have more to say but I can't remember it. Kind of like how I feel when I am in a debate.

Wooden words. Ugh.


  1. I hate that stacked-up feeling when it comes to school. Sometimes I feel like I could do so much better with my work, but I just have all these other things to think about so it ends up being average, or below. It stinks.

  2. Jennifer, I really like your thesis! It sounds like one I am excited about reading.
    Concerning your schedule, I would suggest that you get somewhat regimented with your time. Try laying out the next couple of weeks in a calendar format. Plug in your schedule as you know it- including all assignment due dates. Then back up and figure out how to divide out the work. You will need to set limits on some assignments and decide you have X amount of time to spend on them. At times when you have so much to do you have to really force yourself to be a slave to a regimented calendar so that you actually can get it all done. Just remember-there is light at the end of the tunnel... and it is NOT ANOTHER TRAIN!! This too will pass!

  3. I like your thesis, and I am already wondering how you will define fantasy and what age level you plan to concentrate on. Hey, it's easy to get me charged about children and learning. I especially like the last phrase, "the curiosity to explore unorthodox options."

    Mrs. Z has good planning advice. You might also consider wasted time and try to reward yourself with activities, rather than letting time slip away. Completing tasks is a juggling act.

  4. Thank you for your comments. I know that I am bad at time management in general, and lately I've been having problems concentrating after school. Anyway, thanks for the help.
