Monday, February 22, 2016

February 22 - Rant Dump

Hello again.

I am currently at Work Study, not working (because I have already done my tasks) and not studying (because reasons o3o).

1) I emailed Professor M my tentative book list for the BFA senior seminar, and he said it was good, but he would suggest me adding a craft book on fiction.


I have craft books on fiction on the list. Like, two or three of them. It makes me wonder, did he even read it? :/ (One of said craft books {that was on the list of recommended readings, no less} was available neither through Converse's library nor the public library's immediately available list. I had to place a hold at the public library to get it transferred here. It should arrive in about two weeks.) ><

2) Drs. T and K have not responded to me re: if I can get the discussion questions before class. ><

3) I... am quite hungry. At first, I thought, no I can make it to dinner, then I look at the time, and I'm like, HAHA NOPE. (All the nope.) So huzzahs for having a food bar in my backpack. (BUT NO HUZZAHS FOR STILL BEING HUNGRY ><)

4) About the refugee crisis whatnot - blargh. No huzzahs. >< (Mom said we wouldn't go to Germany because Dad is totally against it because of the refugees.) Also, when I was thinking about the Jan term trip to Berlin, I brought that whatnot up to Dr. T (the other Dr. T, head of the study abroad program) and she replied how the Department of State hadn't issued any warnings, and how Converse was not in the habit of putting her students in danger. (This was before the attacks in Paris. Speaking of which - the immature side of me thought, see! I/we told you so! But I didn't. {HUZZAH FOR SELF-CONTROL!}  o3o) When I told my dad, he said something about how that would be good if we could trust the Department of State, but we can't because reasons (that he did say, but I can't remember). ><

5) My aunt is Catholic. I know that she came to that over the course of her life, and I know that she really wants me to become Catholic as well. Like, she posted something on my Facebook wall about how Millennials are turning to Catholicism. Butbutbut, ALAS. A-freaking-las. ><

6) I am going to end this on a bright not. WHITE CHOCOLATE MOCHA IS BACK AT THE CAMPUS STARBUCKS. Ptl. Thank you, Lord, for that spot of brightness.

Dear Lord,

I am sorry for all of the complaining I do. Seriously, es tut mir leid. :c

Thank you for everything you have blessed me with. Thank you that I am getting better, slowly but (kind of) surely.

Thank you that I have this Work Study job, that I am able to make money (every bit helps, haha). Please give me wisdom about how to spend it.

Please be with my parents. I know that they say these things because they care for me (I know that!), but still. Please give me the wisdom about how to respond if/when we get into disagreements.
(On that note, **** [you know what I mean].)

Please, please, please give me guidance about what the next step in my life will be. I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I may not know the future, but I have a personal relationship with the One who does. He knows what's going to happen. Please, Lord, grant me Your peace.

In Your Name, Lord,
Amen <3 p="">

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