Friday, March 11, 2016

March 11 - Memory

I titled this blog post "Memory" because of many reasons.

I went to see "The Little Mermaid," put on by my old high school (through which this blog first came to be, ha). D invited me.

D graduated high school a year after me, but due to the medical whatnots, we are graduating college at the same time.

It was SO WEIRD.

A) Mr. T (lol xD) was not there. (He had been the drama person when I went.) Instead, Mrs. R was listed as the director. When I went there, she was just the middle school director/overseer person.

B) Most of the people I knew have already graduated from there. So, the only person on stage I recognized was the girl who played Ursula. She had been in Beauty and the Beast as a teacup, or something. She was acting like the next Nicole or somethin'. (And my GOODNESS BREASTS @.@ [Not that I was focusing on them, but I could not help but notice them, because, back when I knew her when she was a fifth grader, no breasts. o3o])

C) Several of the boys, er... MEN that I knew from school when they were middle schoolers have graduated as well, and have BEARDS. @.@

D) D invited me. We went in celebration of D's sister's birthday (20, I believe). So it was me, D, D's sister, and D's mother. We were in the college auditorium, near the back. Nearby was a young child who kept crying and whose mother kept shushing. I believe, at one point, D and/or D's mother said something to the effect of, I sure wish they would keep their child quiet. Honestly, it bugged me too, but it bugged me more that they actually said something.


E) I... meant to give back the playbill, as requested, so they could pass it out again tomorrow, but, when I went to the bathroom während intermission, I placed it on the table in the bathroom. I remembered later, however, but once I went back after the play was over, it wasn't there. o3o (SORRY OAKBROOK.)

F) I meant to do my German film reflection tonight, but after the play and showering, I tried, but I am much, much too tired to work on that anymore tonight. Bah. ><

G) I have a group project due this Thursday. We are presenting that day. I also have a date with Brandy tomorrow to binge watch Star Wars. Huzzahs for that.

H) (Back to the negative). Watching this musical made me jealous. I was jealous of a bunch of high schoolers. No huzzahs. :c
(Not just the high schoolers, though. D let me know that B [a mutual friend from high school] is now engaged. I'm thinking to myself, wow, another one? And I haven't yet really dated [but whose fault is that Jennifer? {Silence, self, stop that ><} o3o]).

I) I... just wanted to say...


(Yup o3o)

Dear Lord,

Thank You for this day. Thank You for everything You have given me. Thank You so, so much.
Please Lord, give me peace about the future, about the past, about everything that has happened/will happen to me.

Please give me what I need to finish these assignments on time. Please bless the time I spend on homework so I spend it wisely, productively.

Please heal the hurt I hold in my heart. Please rid me of this envy, because it's not from You, Lord, I know that.

I know I've written it before on Facebook - I may not know the future, but I know the One who does, and that's good enough for me. Please, Lord, I believe it with my head, but please give me the whatever enough to believe it with my heart as well.

In Your Name, Lord,
Amen <3 p="">

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