Monday, February 15, 2016

February 15 - The Fall

So, today my college closed at 2:30 due to icy conditions. When I told my mom, she scoffed, then I said something along the lines of think of the commuters, or something.

But yeah, but yeah.

So (2.0), after dinner, I walked over to the library, but hey, look at that, the school is closed, hence the library is closed as well. So (3.0), I went to Starbucks, had a drink, then started to walk toward the library roundabouts 7-ish (because I had forgotten that it was closed).

Then (ALAS[-KA Dx]), on my way to the library, I slipped on a patch of ice, falling on my back. No, I was not injured (except for my pride), but, more importantly/also, nobody saw me.

Like, part of me is happy that no one saw my (literal) slip-up, but at the same time, I'm thinking, what if I had been injured? How long would it have taken someone to find me? (No huzzahs for that >:C)

Part of me (2.0) was going to make this into an existential post, hence the title "The Fall," and wanted to address how it is mankind's "fall" into sin that lets such bad things happen. Maybe another time. o3o


(But, I'm still scared about stuff. For example, once I went down, I thought, oh gosh, did I hit my head? I don't want to have hit my head. I'm not sure, but I don't feel any different. (Also, I'm not exactly sure about the timeline with all that, hence feeding into my concern about my memory still. :/))

Bah. No huzzahs for all that. :c

Anywho, I need to do homework before tomorrow.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for keeping me safe today. Thanks a bunch.

(Also, please keep me steady on my feet, so this doesn't happen again. Please. o3o)

<3 p="">Amen

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