Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Yellow Wallpaper

I went to see my college's performance of "The Yellow Wallpaper" tonight, and it struck a chord with me. It made me think back to my own time in inpatient and outpatient therapy.

(Yes, I realize that the Rehab Hospital and Center were NOWHERE NEAR as bad as what Charlotte went through in the play [and in real life], but I could connect with some of her struggles.)

Like, not even close. o3o

But yes, I have come SO FAR. SO FAR. So super duper duper duper duper huzzahs for that. <3>



No huzzahs. I'll probably wake up sometime in the middle of the night and remember. Heck, I think if I just tried hard I could focus and recall it now, butbutbut, laziness.

Good night.

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