Saturday, September 26, 2015

Update (!)

Hello once more. It's been, what, four years?

On the advice of (several) people, I am going to try my hand at blogging in general. About what, you may ask? Well, like my blog's title alludes to, it's like a field of mushrooms. You never really know what's going to pop up. (That is to say, I'm not really sure yet.)

So, please bear with me.

In case you're curious, I am currently attending Converse College in Spartanburg now. I am in my senior year of college after having a year off for medical leave. I may or may not go into that on a later date; I'm not yet sure. If you are friends with me on Facebook, I have been pretty open about all the medical whatnot that has gone down / went down.

In other news, I have been sending out (many, many) queries to agents about the book I did my high school senior project on (because I finally finished/polished it up! Huzzah!). So far, all the agents I have queried have turned me down (sad face :c ), but hey, at least I have been getting replies.

I also have (several) ideas for future novels. I keep a running document on my laptop with them. c:

Alsoalsoalso, I am a double major at Converse with Creative and Professional Writing (imagine that) and German. Back in high school, I never really thought I would continue with German beyond what I needed for my Foreign Language requirement, but after coming to Converse, the resident Germanist, Mirko Hall, inspired/motivated me to continue with it, and I'm glad I am. In fact, I applied for a Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship position for 2016-2017 (!). Fingers crossed!

Anyway, that's it for tonight. Honestly, I'm not sure wie oft (how often) I will update this. Just so you all know (whoever "you all" is, that is, ha).


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