Thursday, December 2, 2010


It actually happened. I wrote for five hours over Thanksgiving break. It might not sound like much, but I feel like I have my... "mojo" back. I just have to keep the ball rolling and keep going at it.
I realized that I have a lot of stuff to do for my book. I have lots and lots of writing to do. But by golly I'm doing it.Recently, I have stopped watching as much television as I used to and I can feel my productivity going up as well as my overall wellbeing. I'm not saying that it will last, this television abstinence, but I'm okay with it for now.
Anything else... I am very happy to think that I'll be done with the research paper next week and it won't be over my head anymore. Not that I work on it a lot, but the mental burden will finally be relieved.
My eyes are burning. I was up until 12:30 last night doing homework and I had to stay at the school until 5:30 for tutoring. I feel exhausted. Thank goodness for the weekend.


  1. Wow! That is great! I am so glad you are so energized and have as you say your 'mojo' back. You are so much more creative than a TV couch potatoe! I am glad you have unchained yourself from that monster- at least for now!!

  2. Hope this weekend revived you. you have amazing talent. Keep swinging at the ball, and while you're at it, smash the TV!

  3. For those who are curious, my family jus changed TV providers and now we have DVR. Now I can just record my favorite shows to watch on the weekends. I am quite excited with this development.
