Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas! Thank Goodness!

I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so incredibly glad that Christmas break starts in 22 hours. So, so incredibly happy.
Over break, I am going to try to set up a meeting of all of my critique group. I haven't received comments from two of my group yet, so I will email them again.
As for the timeline, I'm probably just going divide the chapters I need to do by the weeks remaining. Nothing fancy.
Thank goodness those papers are over. I can breathe again.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Week

This week has really just been me focusing on my papers. Stress, nervous breakdowns (almost), and all that whatnot.
I am very close to finishing the research paper. All I have left is adding a few more examples and finishing the introduction. I feel pretty solid about this paper. The vision paper needs a lot of work, but I finally found somewhere to live, hypothetically. According to my vision paper, I am going to be living in a 10x15 apartment in Seattle's Chinatown. Small, yes - random, yes -- but plausible.
I am excited for Christmas break. So, so excited. I wish I could fast forward to this Friday afternoon just to have these papers behind me.
Also, for those who care, I took the Myers Briggs Personality profiler and it came up with INFJ (Introverted iNtuition Feeling Judging). If you were curious.

Let's see... here's a line from a song I've come to love in the last two days...
"He says, 'Bill I believe this is killing me.'
As his smile ran away from his face.
'Well I'm sure that I could be a movie star
If I could get out of this place.'"
- "The Piano Man" by Billy Joel (my emphasis)

Another thing, and I may be stepping over some lines by saying this, but... I have much much more to say than what is mentioned here. So much more. But some things can't or shouldn't be shared or even said aloud. That's just asking for trouble. Sorry to be enigmatic, but it's getting late and you can tell by all these post scripts. I just felt like it should said, though it shall be remain unknown.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


It actually happened. I wrote for five hours over Thanksgiving break. It might not sound like much, but I feel like I have my... "mojo" back. I just have to keep the ball rolling and keep going at it.
I realized that I have a lot of stuff to do for my book. I have lots and lots of writing to do. But by golly I'm doing it.Recently, I have stopped watching as much television as I used to and I can feel my productivity going up as well as my overall wellbeing. I'm not saying that it will last, this television abstinence, but I'm okay with it for now.
Anything else... I am very happy to think that I'll be done with the research paper next week and it won't be over my head anymore. Not that I work on it a lot, but the mental burden will finally be relieved.
My eyes are burning. I was up until 12:30 last night doing homework and I had to stay at the school until 5:30 for tutoring. I feel exhausted. Thank goodness for the weekend.