Tuesday, May 3, 2016

More Whatnot :)

Hi again, oh invisible reader (here's looking at you, B :) )

Let's see, it's been a long time since I last wrote, because schoolwork / senior stress / etc.

So, let's give a recap -

I am in the spring semester of my senior year at Converse College. I am double majoring in Creative and Professional Writing and German Studies. I am a survivor of a TBI. My vision is still impaired from a relapse that occurred early in the school year due to stress. The opthmalologist  / opthalmogist / opthalmogist  / opthalmologist / opthalmalogist / ophthalmologist (had to copy and paste from Wikipedia o3o) said he doesn't think it will get better. Alas. ><

In brighter news, I did my final presentation for Advanced Arts Management this AM. I stayed up late last night, but HEYHEYHEY I GOT IT DONE! HUZZAHS FOR THAT! :DDD (Now to just write the corresponding paper, lol.)

I don't have to turn in a final for German Film, because I exempted out of the final written, take home exam. Huzzahs for that as well. :) I am doing the group video project because it is required of everyone. However, however, I think it will be a good, jolly time. :)

As of right now, I am unsure about if I will have to do the final paper for my last honors course. I hope not, but if I do, I do. o3o I did really poorly on the first paper, but I think/know our group project went well, and I think I did better on my second paper. So, fingers crossed! (Also, I know that there is the possibility I could do FANTASTICALLY on this third and final paper, and it could bump up my grade even more, but, honestly, I'd rather not have the stress of that. o3o)

On that topic, I kind of regret choosing this as my last honors course (though, of the options, this one seemed like the best choice). I am going to make either a B or a C in the course, and, while those grades never hurt anyone, meh. :/
However, however, it has done at least one thing - it has made me think (which OMG that's what college is supposed to make you do, right?)
I've thought about my personal faith / beliefs, and now I feel like I have a more solid understanding about what I personally believe. I was able to respectfully state my opinion when I talked about abortion. (The question posited was, why are Christians seemingly divided on issues such as marijuana legalization and gay marriage, but not [for the most part] abortion? I raised my hand and offered that marijuana legalization and gay marriage only affect the willing participants, but abortion affects someone who doesn't have a say in the matter. {I probably said it better than that, but my alarm just went off, so I need to get off soon.} The room, which holds a variety of pro-life and pro-choice people, went silent, as if considering what I said. When someone did speak, they mentioned how they were pro-choice, but she didn't suggest that what I said was wrong. So, like, I know that we have differing opinions, but I was able to state my opinion without coming across as judgmental (I hope o3o).

In other news, I am presenting my BFA senior seminar on Thursday (which seems like the date for everything, ha). I will not be able to go to a fellow Germanist's senior seminar presentation in Philosophy because they are at the exact same time. (Alas once more.)

IN SUPER POSITIVE NEWS, I've full blown adulted today and in the near past. I got my Navy Federal credit card set up now (HUZZAHS FOR THAT) so now I don't have to use my debit card online. When I told my dad that I used my debit card online, he nearly had a heart attack. PROBLEM SOLVED.

Alsoalsoalso, I successfully gained access to my Americorps account. When I went to tentatively apply for a job, I put in my SSN and birthdate and whatnot, and the system told me I already had an account. INSTEAD OF GIVING UP THOUGH, I called the number, talked to a person [nopers, person, prones], and got it squared away. Apparently, I had been registered as having applied for or completed service somewhere in the Northeast during 2012. I said to the woman, no, no, no, that was NOT me. (Idk how that happened, but as of this exact moment, I don't plan on telling my parents about that o3o). LifeLock didn't send me an alert about it (though that may have been before I got LifeLock...), but nothing happened, so I'm not going to worry about it.
(I have yet to actually sit down and talk to both of my parents about it, though, and I'm not even sure I'm going to apply, so, BUT YEAH. HUZZAHS FOR BABY STEPS. xD)

(Also, I am looking at applying for a job at the Governor's School in Greenville. It's like an RD position for high school students. I'm not sure yet, though. *shrug*)


Dear Lord,
Thank you for this day. Thank you for all the blessings I have received. Thank You that this semester is almost done. Please be with me as I do my oral defense on Thursday. Please be with Sarah as she does hers. Please use me these last 11 days to be a shining light for You.

Please give me peace about the future, whether it's with Americorps, a German company, or whatever. Please give me peace, guidance, wisdom.

In Your Name, Lord,
Amen <3 p="">